If you're lacking direction in your business and life, this article is for you. Especially if you're beginning to doubt why you're even doing it.
I'll show you how to gain a bit more clarity so you can aim more precisely, get what you want, and still that distracting mental chatter.
That voice is often confusing. It sounds like the sensible, rational opinion, but you know it's actually pulling you off the path of what you authentically want from your business.
You crave more freedom.
Or maybe I’m just projecting.
I started my first business because I couldn’t stand the thought of sitting in an office. Landscaping wasn't for me after I gave that a shot. Plus, with the family life I wanted to live, the Royal Marines was only ever a short term thing.
For me, freedom means crisp, cold early mornings with skis on my feet and the backcountry ahead of me. Freedom means time spent supporting my wife and getting to know my baby after it’s born. Freedom means doing what I want, when I want to.
It's freedom that made me start my business. Something tells me that doing what everyone else is doing is a fool's errand. That by following the mainstream I would be wasting this precious time I have on earth.
We want freedom, as Naval Ravikant put it....
“so you don’t have to wear a tie like a collar around your neck; so you don’t have to wake up at 7:00 a.m. to rush to work and sit in commute traffic; so you don’t have to waste your life grinding productive hours away into a soulless job that doesn’t fulfil you.”
Freedom means choices. Choices to live the life you are meant to live.
To spend time with your family, to go on trips, to do the things you love. Freedom is your aim. To have choices over how you spend your time, money and energy.
To do what you want, when you want to do it. That is the definition of freedom that matters, and the primary thing an adventurepreneur like you strives for.
So answer me honestly: how free do you feel right now?
Why do you feel like you’re chained to your business and unable to relax? To truly take time off? To detach?
Spinning too many plates to actually create the freedom you seek. Since when was life so complex?
I think that’s because you’re aiming for the wrong freedom currencies.
How To Create More Freedom In Your Business and Life
Freedom currencies are the forms freedom can take in your life. By figuring out how much of each one you want, you get much more clarity about what steps to take in your business.
There are 4 currencies of freedom to aim for. The first 3 are obvious but the last is rarely linked to the others - yet it’s the one that facilitates the rest.
The whole point of the pursuit of the first 3 freedom currencies, is to lead you to the last one. Because it’s becoming rich in the final type that gives you the others.
If you’re going to be successful as an adventurepreneur, your goal is to accrue the following 4 types of freedom:
Financial is obvious. You need to pay for the things you want in your life. Big trips cost money. So does a nice house, education, and almost everything else. All other things being equal, you’re going to feel more free - and have more options - earning £20k per month compared to £2k per month. An abundance of money creates choice.
Clarity Question: How much money do you need to live the life you dream of?
Geographical freedom is how tied down you are. Total geographical freedom is what the Bali SaaS squad exemplifies; a beach, a laptop, earning dollars and spending Rupiah. Being tied to one location is not freedom. Being able to pop open your laptop in another time zone is. Notice, you don’t have to be on the beach to be free - it’s merely being able to. Freedom, once again, is about choices.
Clarity Question: What does the perfect balance of home life, travel, and adventure look like to you?
Time freedom is vital. Time is your most precious resource. If you’re renting out your time, you’re not free. Good adventurepreneurs use their financial freedom to buy time. Total time freedom is having nothing in your calendar that you don’t love.
Clarity Question: If you knew you wouldn't fail, how many hours would you work per day?
Personal freedom is where things get interesting. Personal freedom is your ability to get out of your own way; to step out of limiting beliefs; to break through your glass ceiling; to master your emotions; and to consistently become wiser.
Clarity Question: What's the gap between who you are and who you want to be?
Personal freedom is the currency that makes all the others easier. It is being who you’re meant to be. Not an imitation of someone else, or a lesser version of the authentic you.
If you don’t have personal freedom, you’ll constantly find yourself limited. You’ll know you are your own worst enemy. You’ll always suspect you’re capable of more. You’ll think phrases like “I'm nowhere near my potential” You’ll run your life from a place of fear and scarcity. You’ll feel like you’re giving all you can, but not getting where you want.
Personal freedom is the ability to choose how you act, think, and see the world.
With personal freedom, you can see opportunity. You can get out of your own way. With personal freedom you can design and create the life you want.
It’s personal freedom that creates financial, time, and geographical freedom because it allows you to act outside of the ruts that take you down the path of least resistance. And it’s a lack of personal freedom that keeps you stuck.
That’s why I created the Adventurepreneur Course Bundle. The bundle gives you complete access to 3 courses that give you total personal freedom.
You’ll build complete emotional and mental resilience in the Calm Course.
You’ll unburden yourself from your stories and limiting beliefs in the Clarity Course.
And you’ll become the person you’re meant to become in the Character Course.
Sign up to the Adventurepreneur Bundle today and you’ll save £497 on the price of the courses individually.